PEPP Students

College Celebrates 25 Years of PEPP

By: Lisa Baldi

2016年5月, 两位雷丁学区校友和第一代大学生毕业了,开始了激动人心的旅程, 这一切都始于十大正规赌博平台大全教育合作项目, 赌博平台大全和雷丁学区之间的早期干预合作.

Chastity Paredes-Rodriguez毕业于十大正规赌博平台大全Berks,成绩为B.S. Jordy Lemus以B的成绩毕业于十大正规赌博平台大全公园分校.S. in Material Science and Engineering and a minor in Spanish. 帕雷德斯-罗德里格斯目前是兰开斯特实验室的副化学家,莱姆斯是费城埃森哲公司的全职顾问.

对于帕雷德斯-罗德里格斯来说,她从南方中学开始参与PEPP. 在PEPP“选择专业”活动中,她接触到了法医学, and she knew instantly that she had found her calling. 她还将自己中学时代的动力归功于PEPP. Originally from the Dominican Republic, she and her family lived in several countries, some with more vocational approaches to education. 她解释说,她没有看到学习的意义,直到PEPP的一个人告诉她“振作起来”,这样她就有机会做她想做的事.

Chastity Paredes-Rodriguez

Chastity Paredes-Rodriguez毕业于十大正规赌博平台大全Berks,成绩为B.S. in Science and a minor in Chemistry.

Credit: Penn State

When it came time to choose a college, 帕雷德斯-罗德里格斯想在赌博平台大全开始她的学习,并计划去大学公园校区, 但她很快就与教职员工和其他学生建立了密切的关系,并积极参与校园活动,因此她决定留在伯克斯.

The Science degree program was a natural fit for her. 她有机会通过撰写关于该主题的研究论文来探索她对法医学的热情. 她还在伯克斯县法医科学部门完成了法医服务实习, 在那里,她跟随侦探,从事各种各样的项目,如血迹飞溅和潜在指纹分析, as well as evidence and crime scene processing.

In addition to her classroom and internship activities, she was a Schreyer Honors College Scholar, a member of the Penn State Berks Honors Program, 也是美国化学会和美国化学会宾夕法尼亚州立伯克分会的成员. 今年,她获得了校园科学学术优秀奖.

赌博平台大全为我打开了很多大门,”帕雷德斯-罗德里格斯评论道. “大学是你成长的地方,是你发现自己优缺点的地方.”


“我最喜欢PEPP的部分是能够去十大正规赌博平台大全的伯克和影子学生,” he explained. “My career path changed so much each year. One day PEPP took a science field trip to Penn State, which was when I knew I had found something that interested me.

Jordy Lemus graduated from Penn State University Park with a B.S. in Material Science and Engineering and a minor in Spanish. 

Credit: Penn State

Lemus went on to join Upward Bound math and science, 这让他在大学公园完成了两个暑假的材料科学与工程研究,还是一名高中生. After those two summers, he was awarded the Bunton Waller Fellowship, an eight-semester award that covers tuition, 费用, and room and board.

During his time at Penn State, Lemus continued conducting research, which opened doors to internships. He completed two internships  with ArcelorMittal, a steel and mining company, 作为冶金实习,并在AK钢铁公司担任一年的熔体车间工艺工程师.

Penn State has also helped him grow as a leader in the community. He joined the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and eventually became executive vice president. 他还创办了十大正规赌博平台大全的第一个哥伦比亚裔美国学生协会. 他表示,他的长期目标是回馈给他这么多的社区.

After graduation, Lemus will begin the next chapter on his journey, working as a full-time consultant on a variety of production, 技术, and management projects for Accenture in Philadelphia.

And it all began with PEPP.


今年, 十大正规赌博平台大全教育合作项目(PEPP)正在庆祝其成立25周年. 该计划的使命是提高其雷丁学区参与者的学术准备和动力水平,以追求更高的教育. 随着PEPP在过去25年的发展,其成功率也在不断提高. 该项目帮助了无数可能从未考虑过接受高等教育的学生上大学.

“重要的是,每个人都要明白,这种合作关系是一个平台,可以让更多的学生更容易接受高等教育, by simply their demographic status, have limited resources,” states Guadalupe Kasper, Program Manager for PEPP. “通过PEPP途径的学生都很了不起,显然他们已经为顺利进入并完成大学学业做好了准备. I am so proud  to be a part of this promising program!”

PEPP also recruits and trains students from Penn State Berks, most of whom are Elementary and Early Childhood Education majors, to act as PEPP Learning Assistants (PLAs). In this role, the Penn State Berks students serve as tutors and mentors, 并且是领导和激励PEPP学生的积极榜样.